Calendar of ordinary meetings UA-CISAU

We communicate that the meetings of the AU-CISAU Management Board should take place during the year
of 2020, except for reasons of force majeure, at the Physiotherapy School Clinic, starting at 2:00 pm and
scheduled to end at 5:00 pm, according to the calendar below:

MARCH - 26/03

APRIL - 30/04

MAY - 28/05

JUNE - 25/06

JULY - 30/07

AUGUST - 27/08


OCTOBER - 29/10

NOVEMBER - 26/11

DECEMBER - 17/12


In view of the above calendar, it is expected that, whenever possible, the Unit's collective deliberation activities will be reconciled, considering that the attendance of the Unit's Collegiate members to the respective sessions "is mandatory and precedes any other university activity", as determined by Art. 24 of the Federal University of Goiás Rules of Procedure.

We request attention regarding the deadline for delivery of the agenda points to be considered at the meeting.